The Importance of Presence

"the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing."


       When I first started this blog, I wanted to not only talk about the places I travel and hold near and dear to my heart, but I also wanted to touch on topics surrounding mental health and wellness and just talk about life and the world in general. As I continue and grow my blog, I want to cover topics that mean a lot to me and that also may be beneficial to others. So, to kick off a new genre of blog posts, I want to talk about the importance of presence and being grounded! 

     As humans, I feel as though a lot of our time is spent in the past or future. We often overlook all of the things that are happening right in front of us because we are caught up in the world. This has always been something I have struggled with and I am sure that there are others who are also in the same exact boat.So here recently, I have tried to correct these habits so that I can truly slow down and enjoy life and what is currently happening right in front of me. It is not always a simple process, but it is something that I am already seeing progress in. 


     Life is precious. It is such a complex and deep thing that we are blessed to experience. It has its challenges, but there is also so much good we can find in the simplest things. We take for granted seeing the clouds in the sky. We take for granted feeling the sun on our skin and smelling the salt in the air. We take for granted the calls from loved ones and the smiles on strangers' faces. We are so eager to move forward and skip to the next chapter that we are missing all the beautiful and glorious moments that are directly in front of us. There will come a day that we dream and wish for where we used to be and how we used to feel. It seems almost impossible for us to just be where are feet are. 

      If I could offer a piece of advice, it would be to just take a minute. Look at your surroundings and take note of what you see. Acknowledge something that makes you smile. Do this daily, as often as you can. Be where you are now and do not dwell. By living in the past, you forget to move forward. By living in the future, you miss where you are.  Stay present and focus on the now. See all the good that you are able to experience right here in this present moment. 

     It is not as easy as it sounds, I get it. Our world moves fast and it feels like we have to keep up to be successful or on top of things. Even in our busy lives, we still should find time to breathe and debrief what is going on in our world. Whether it’s stopping to breathe in between work assignments or taking a walk during your lunch break to ground yourself and clear your mind, any step towards being present is progressive. As long as you are working towards being more present and mindful, it will start to show results in your life. Take life at the pace you need to. You do not always have to be on top of things. We are humans, not machines. 


  1.  Get Outside

By being outside, you can focus on the sights and sounds that you see. You can focus on the way the grass feels beneath your feet. You can listen to the birds sing and the leaves flow in the trees. Focusing in on these elements is a perfect way to ground your mind and draw yourself closer to the present moment. Take time to pay attention to what is happening. Make mental notes of the sights, sounds, and feelings you experience. When you focus on the simple things around you, you start to become more present in the moment. You become aware of what is around you and you can begin to show more appreciation for it. This simple gratitude is a perfect way to grow closer to your present moment.

   2. Move Your Body

When you move your body, you can become aware of your breath and the sensations you feel in your body. You can feel your heart rate increase and the way your body feels throughout each movement. This technique will ground you and connect you to how you are feeling. Not only is it good for you physically, but it is also providing for your mind and soul. By being aware of the movements, you begin to return to your body and the present. 

   3. Deep Breaths 

As simple as it sounds, the practice of breathing is a great grounding technique. By taking deep breaths or aligning your breaths to movement, you are able to focus in on the way your mind and body feels. Breathing is used to calm your sympathetic nervous system, which controls your "fight or flight" responses in your brain. By just simply breathing, you can calm your brain and ultimately your entire body. 

4.  Using Social Media Mindfully

As someone who loves social media and sharing pictures, it really can begin to affect your mood and how present you are. You begin to become fixated on the amount of likes your post has and how many followers you have, which will ultimately begin to affect your mental health. When using social media, it can be beneficial to follow accounts that uplift you, rather than make you feel insecure or overwhelmed. You can also mute and unfollow accounts that make you feel negative emotions. Turn off any notifications that are not essential to you at the present moment. It also may be a good idea to take regular breaks from using certain platforms for a certain amount of time. By spending less time on social media and more time connecting to those around you, you can begin to appreciate how precious those times are. 

5. Journal Regularly

One of my absolute favorite grounding techniques is journaling. This is a skill that I recently started applying to my life and with it, I have noticed a significant difference in my mood. Journaling in the morning and evening are great ways to get your mind in the right headspace, but they also allow you to reflect on how you are feeling in the present moment, which is a great grounding strategy. I find that journaling right before I go to bed allows me to release all of my emotions for the day and helps me to unwind for the night. There are so many ways you can journal. Just focus in on which technique works the best for you and your mind. 

Some of my favorite journaling topics: 

  • Gratitude lists
  • Brain dumps
  • Daily reflections
  • Habit trackers

     I hope that this article was useful in providing some insight into being grounded and present. If you have any techniques that you would like to share, I would love to hear them! Feel free to share them in the comments below! ♡



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